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Can Art Save the World?

'Art will redeem the world,' as the old saying goes.


Everyone wants to 'save the world,' of course. The world's new, self-appointed, 'decision makers' have a plan, and have already launched as massive media campaign to promote their solution. Whether or not we agree with their technocratic 'vision' of the future, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is using the current 'crises' (by their own admission) to set the stage. The details of 'The Great Reset,' as they call it, are clearly documented in numerous videos and publications. Every media channel, and almost every politician (it would seem), is on board, disseminating this new ideology. The World Economic Forum's material is widely available, and for a glimpse of this 'solution,' please see the links below.  


All we hear in the media today, are the ideas of a self-appointed 'ruling business elite' (to use the words of the WEC's founder). Anyone who has read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World will find the WEF's vision alarmingly familiar.  To begin with: Welcome To 2030 I Own Nothing Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better. 

See more of these promotional videos (and the WEF 'manifesto' document: COVID-19 The Great Reset) below.


There is a more creative, cultural solution however, as we'll see, and there is also a very simple monetary solution, that many countries have already implemented.


Before we begin our exploration of the democratic solution to the present dilemma, will we must look at the role art has played before, in opening the public's eyes, and 'saving the world.' So here is a short account of the untold history of art, because what the world needs now, is a true awakening – an rebirth, in fact – and this is where the story of art (in the modern era) begins: The Renaissance.


It is widely accepted that the Renaissance is the event that finally dragged Europe out of the Dark Ages, saving humanity from its own madness. This cultural rebirth is generally defined by the art of the times; and yet, arguably, it's most important contribution to the modern era was an entirely new form of 'creative' expression: business.  


Some might call this is another kind of madness, today, but our world (and our society too) is all about things in balance; as opposing forces serve to hold each other in check. Despite the negative connotations that might now be attached to the idea of mercantilism, the merchant-class, nevertheless, spawned the middle-class, out of which emerged modern democracy.  


Moving from the continent of Europe, to Britain. In response to the social dislocation and dehumanizing effects of the Industrial Revolution, the Romantic movement saved society (civil society) yet again; after the land clearances threatened to re-establish feudalism in a new form, when people were forcibly moved off the land and into cities (to work in factories instead of in the fields of feudal manors). 


The Romantics are credited with establishing the Social Safety Net (a precursor to the UBI, as we face yet another of economic dislocation, and whole new kind of feudalism). As a result, people would no longer actually starve in the street if they lost their jobs. Thanks to these visionary artists,  people could maybe get back on their feet again. The Romantics established  Alms Houses and founded working men's clubs, they also introduced the idea continuing education, in the form of night classes (including drawing classes), providing everyday people with an opportunity to improve their quality of life, and perhaps even, their tenuous lot in life.
As a consequence of the Great Depression, another group of Regional artists, the American Regionalists, lobbied (and created popular support) for The New Deal. And just as the middle-class almost slipped beneath the surface again (on another continent), democracy and civil society was given a new lease on life.  


So far, we have talked about social and political issues, but underlying all of this, of course, is economics and money.  If the world is to be 'saved' we're probably going to need very different politics, economics and money, because art may not be enough this time; in our current, distracted, technocratic world.


We will need to question technology. We will need a new non-partisan politics (direct democracy and independent representatives) and we will need a 'Steady State Economics' (an economy that doesn't depend on continual, exponential growth to function). We will need nothing less that an Awakening.


Only a crazy person could believe that an economics based on continual growth is sustainable in a closed system; and yet, this is the economic model we've been living with for years. 'The Great Reset' folk, and their friends (the same people that gave us the last insane economic system), are offering us another great idea (Welcome to 2030. You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and life will never have been better). Really! Were we born yesterday? The wealth and quality of life will not diminish for the ruling elite of course (in fact, the very rich have never made money faster than through this pandemic scare); yet expectations are been radically re-adjusted for everyone else.  


There is an alternative of course. Almost no one as heard of Steady State Economics (because the media never talks about 'boring' stuff such as this) and, of course, no one has heard of debt-free, sovereign money either. But that's about to change.


More to follow. . . but for now, please continue exploring some new ideas, in 'Art Awakening'


It has always been the role of artists to speak out on subjects such as these, so in addition to the on going exploration above, here is additional reading material. First, the WEF's own productions and literature:


The Great Reset

COVID-19- The Great-Reset

Welcome to 2030. You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and life will never have been better

World Economic Forum - 8 predictions for the world in 2030


Since the media (in this country especially) allows no debate or criticism of these ideas, and any dissenting voice is dismissed as conspiracy theory (as this commentary from Global News explains), in the interest of balance, a few  (of the more popular) independent commentaries can be found below: 


(Do check original source material too)


Rowan Dean's comments on The Great Reset

Bitcoin - A look at the agenda behind the great reset


Also popular at the among the younger demographic - The Corbett Report:


The Great Reset

Your Guide to the Great Reset


Belgian Doctors demand media debate:

Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media.


'We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. . . We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties. '

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