Eyes of Society Exhibition - The Robert Bateman Centre

After more than a year of planning, our Eyes Of Society exhibition opened, June 15th, at the Robert Bateman Centre in Victoria. It was a treat to have most of the team together again, and to continue a journey, in rather more opulent surroundings, that began June 2016 in Haida Gwaii. More images and text will be added later, but for now, here are a few pictures from the set-up and open.

The Robert Bateman Centre, on the harbour front in the city of Victoria, on Vancouver Island

Inside 'The Clock Room' (the windows upstairs, centre, in the picture above) with works by Jim Hart (silver 'Three Watchman' - left) and Jaalen Edenshaw ('Copper' and ceremonial bench). Original paintings by W. David Ward (left), original prints by Jaalen Edenshaw (seen through the class case on right). Another update providing background on most of the works in the show will follow shortly. For now though, you can read about the paintings in this room at the 'ReEncounter' link (bottom of this page), as they tell the story of this exhibition.

Gwaai Edenshaw making last minute adjustments to his display case, and his work, 'The Watchmen'.
Wall behind (left): April's Herring People Series; all behind (right) Anja's giant Abalone - more of these soon.

Andrew Sookrah and his work. On the display stand (glass about to be set in place)is the Three Siblings Bentwood Box and an argillite carving, by April White (details on all these later). Video monitor adjustments: In addition to the Eyes Of Society short documentary, we also have permission from Parks Canada to show the following two videos of Gwaai and Jaalen's Legacy Pole project, and from the National Gallery of Canada, to show the following video about the installation of Jim Hart's large Watchmen Sculpture in Ottawa.
Exhibition videos:
The Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole
The Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole crests
On Site with James Hart (Watchmen)

Private reception prior to the opening:
Extreme left: Joseph Crawford of Braid Films. April and I (centre), Anja, Sophie and April (right)

Following a screening of Eyes Of Society, each of the artists, including Robert Bateman (whose work appears in the centre of this image) spoke to the audience about their experiences in Haida Gwaii. Here, Gary Landon

Artists and staff at the Robert Bateman Centre
Peter Ord (Executive Director), Sophie Lavoie, Anja Karisik, Andrew Cheddie Sookrah, April SGaan Jaad White, Joseph Crawford (Braid Films), Gary Landon, W. David Ward, Gwaai Edenshaw (staff) Leanne, Erin, Michelle, Monica, Sarah.

Introduction to the show: Visitors to the exhibition, which occupies three rooms (and this section in the main salon) at the Robert Bateman Centre, will first encounter the information panel above (details below). The two paintings here are (right) Robert Bateman's 'Haida Spirit' Loo Taas - Wave Eater ( Loo Taas is Bill Reid's canoe – currently under restoration at the Haida Heritage Centre). On the left is 'ReEncounter - Spirit Free', an original work telling the story behind this exhibition. Please visit the following page to read about this work, and others by W. David Ward (narratives for all of the works in the show will follow shortly): ReEncounter – Spirit Free
See also: The 'Eyes Of Society – Social Commentary Award' at the Toronto Outdoor Art Fair

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