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On Art and Money

 'On The Art of Central Banking in a Centrifugal World'

 As presented by Mark Carnie, for the Bank of International Settlement (BIS), June 28th. 2021

 BIS paper (PDF)

It seemed almost certain that the former governor of both the Bank of Canada and Bank of England would soon be running for office in Canada. But now that the election is called, we see this won't be the case. Nevertheless, as Mark Carnie continues in his role as Envoy to the United Nations, the world 'brave new world' he envisions will most definitely be pushed forward, particularly if another Liberal administration is elected. Chrystia Freeland entered politics immediately after releasing her book – Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else – and it was thought that Carnie's new book  (with the suitably reassuring title),  Value(s): Building a Better World for All , might signal the same. Book titles, and well-meaning words, are often not all they seem; particularly in the sphere of politics.

Material in the book was written for public consumption, however, what I would like to focus on here is the contents of Carnie's BIS presentation, which was largely about the introduction to the new Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).  


At this point, the public has heard very little about CBDCs; but this development is  about to turn our world upside-down. First and foremost, it will allow for the implementation of a social credit system similar to the one in China. 'Programmable money' not only will be tied to our carbon credits, as explained in the BIS paper, it will enable control over which items the holder is permitted to purchase, and track every detail of every transaction. It will prevent saving by recipients, as units will expiring at the end of each month. This has long been seen as a way to 'stimulate' economic activity, but clearly, there are many reasons for concern. When the head of the BIS said the goal was 'absolute control,' he meant ABSOLUTE. 

 'Social Credit System Coming To China, With Citizens Scored On Behavior'


The Social Credit System is now operational in China, it is coming soon to the rest of world, and the new CBDC systems will enable its full implementation – unless we understand the nature of this system before it is rolled out. 

This is all part of the so-called 'Fourth Industrial Revolution,' and Carnie will continue to advance this agenda to the best of his abilities and influence.  His BIS presentation opens with a commitment to this goal; an idea taken directly from the literature of the World Economic Forum; just as the title of his book directly references the rhetoric of the IMF: 'Building back better.' If Carnie is elected to office,  his road map will be Klaus Schwab's 'The Great Reset.' He is telling us this; or, rather, he is assuring the international bankers of this.


So what is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? 

In short: The full integration of digital technology with biology.


The World Economic Forum describes this 'evolution' of technology, as follows:

The 1st Industrial Revolution was mechanical
The 2nd Industrial Revolution was electrical
The 3rd Industrial Revolution was digital
The 4th Industrial Revolution: the merging of digital technology and biological systems.

You can read more on this 'convergence' of biology and digital technology – 'bioelectronics' as it is sometimes called – below, but the thing that has been on most people's minds, until now, is the more practical concern of being replaced  by Artificial Intelligence and/or Robotics.


Technological dislocation

It is common knowledge that AI and Robotics will, in the very near future, displace many regular jobs (if we chose to let this happen).  These are not just manufacturing jobs of course; many professions are now easily replaceable: doctors, accountants, airline pilots, bank tellers, data entry operators, journalists, translators – the list goes on.


Usually, we are presented with reassuring words along the lines of: 'but new technologies always bring new opportunities and new jobs.'   Opportunities for whom?  Mostly, the new jobs been created are those so-called 'McJobs.' 

People either believe this won't effect them (they feel their positions are safe, or they plan to retire soon), or they very much want to believe the reassurances because they don't know what else to do. And so we all wait, and hope for the best.

Carnie tells us though: 

'...the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a long period of difficult adjustment and rising inequality long before the benefits of increased productivity, wages and jobs are widely felt.' 

For all the Liberal rhetoric of 'stakeholders,' there is too much at stake here to ignore these developments.  The roll out of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Universal Basic Income (UBI) – to continue on from CERB – is necessitated because the WEF and its acolytes have absolutely no idea how most people are to earn a living in their 'New Normal' future economy..


The WEF is already preparing the next generation (that doesn't yet have an established career), with slick propaganda videos, as we've seen before:


Welcome to 2030.

I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, and Life Has Never Been Better.


Apparently, even delivery drivers won't have a job in 'The Great Reset' future, in this world where Amazon delivers to your doorstep by drone.


Now it is actually being suggested that if we wish to keep up in this 'New Normal' world, we will need to upgrade biologically.

Technological dislocation

Anchor 1

New policy outlines already appear on the government of Canada website – 'Exploring biodigital convergence':



  • Biodigital convergence is opening up striking new ways to:

  • Change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours

  • Change or create other organisms

  • Alter ecosystems . . .


'Full physical integration of biological and digital entities.
Digital technology can be embedded in organisms, and biological components can exist as parts of digital technologies. The physical meshing, manipulating, and merging of the biological and digital are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology, each functioning in the tangible world, often with heightened capabilities. . .

Robots with biological brains 01 and biological bodies with digital brains 02 already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. 03 The medical use of digital devices in humans 04 . . . By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity 07 could arise as the convergence continues. . .

fully redesigned DNA. . .'

This is 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution.'


The first Industrial Revolution, and the social dislocation it entailed, is frequently described as being 'dehumanizing.' The Machine Age is criticized for having turned people into machines, metaphorical speaking; little did they known. This latest 'revolution' aims to 'fully integrate us with machines,' and connect us to the Internet of Things (IoT).


Some truly believe this will be a good thing. For the rest of us, '4IR' is nothing less than the end of humanity as we know it. In fact, Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset, states as much in his own commentary on the World Economic Forum website:

'[T]he revolutions occurring in biotechnology and AI, which are redefining what it means to be human. . .'

The new payment system about to be rolled out (as Carnie describes it) will provided the kind of control and surveillance required to ensure compliance. There will no be opting out of this system, as Senator Frank Church warned the American people on National Television in 1975, there will be "no place to hide."


I often quote Harvard professor Christine Desan, from her book Making Money:

'like other modes of governance, money serves both public and private purposes. It can be designed in ways that are democratic or dictatorial.' 

The Bank of International Settlement has stated, they want a CBDC designed to provide authorities with 'absolute control.' 'Absolute control,' in my opinion, suggests that the BIS (at least) is not particularly interested in democracy."


We will never be consulted on such things, of course, and we will never hear discussions like this (or warnings like those of Senator Frank Church) on National television today. There may be a few politicians who might speak out, but they will not be heard on TV. If the media mentions them at all, it will only be to smear them. This is the world the latest Liberal administration has ushered in, and seeks to further with Bills such as C-10:


All that the mass audience will see, if the Liberals have there way, will be slick marketing campaigns from the corporate controlled media, to convince the population how wonderful and convenient it will be to carry our digital money in an embedded (implanted) 'CBDC wallets' or install an upgrade to your augmented intelligence chip.


Such ideas were the stuff of science fiction just a few short years ago, but Moncef Slaoui's GlaxoSmithKline bio, showed us that these things are anything but conceptual.


Head of 'electric Medicine,' Slaoui was a leading researcher in injectable 'brain-machine interface particles' . . . the Borg, inevitably springs to mind. Given that this was the person selected to oversee Operation Warp Speed in the United States, it is no wonder there are a few conspiracy theories floating around.


Slaoui's bio at GSK has recently been scrubbed, however, following his sudden departure; it echoed everything described in the above 'Exploring biodigital convergence' :


Not only are these things now feasible (as you read), policy suggestions are already being considered and the private sector is 'innovating' at full tilt.


Returning to Mark Carnie's presentation to the Bank of International Settlement; it is important to note that at no point in this 19 page paper, does Carnie suggest a public CBDC. A CBDC that would return seigniorage profit to the nation that is, instead of the pockets of big multinational businesses.  At best, he suggests a Public Private Partnership (P3), bringing in the banks, phone companies and other private interests right from the start. Carnie has even suggested that a virtual currency like Facebook's Diem, could perform this role, moving the function of money creation entirely into private hands. Money creation, it must never be forgotten, is the most important privilege of any sovereign nation; for the simple reason no 'enterprise' is so profitable.  If you don't have a sovereign currency, you do not have a sovereign country.


Should control of the Canadian CBDC (which is an extension of central bank reserves and another form of 'Base Money' – M0) fall into private hands (or under private control / influence), we would become no better than the country El Salvador, which recently adopted Bitcoin as a parallel currency (alongside the U.S. Dollar). El Salvador is not a model we should wish to emulate, monetarily speaking, yet Carnie (indirectly) is suggesting just this.


The technical jargon is designed to confuse those who doesn't know about cryptocurrency or CBDC. All the carefully chosen words, and reassuring concepts, such as 'Stable Coin,' do not change the fact that Carnie wishes to place the function of money creation permanently in private hands, under the 'absolute control' of the Bank of International Settlement; to profit private interests and to further the objectives of both the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. Money, we must never forget, is a form of governance. This move would, quite literally, spell the end of Canada as a sovereign, democratic nation.

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